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     It was September, 1967, and Woodrow Wilson
High School encountered the largest class of Fresh-
men ever to enter its doors. At first we were a little
nervous, wondering which lines to get in next -
where the library was, and pretending to know
what we were doing. But in spite of all this, we
muddled through with the friendly help of SCA
President Pat Kreger and the understanding and
sympathy of the counselors and administration.
Before long, we learned our way around and took
time out to elect Tony Antonucci our Freshman
Class President. We were granted the privilege of
cheering for Wilson's "mighty orange and blue"
and we did our job wholeheartedly. We were
Freshmen, but not for long. We had become a vi-
tal part of Wilson and we were heading full speed
towards being the best class ever to have attended

     After a seemingly short summer, we came back
to Wilson as Sophomores and elected Alan Bartlett
our class president. We wondered how many of
the old faces would be missing and how many "ea-
ger-beaver" freshmen would be roaming our halls.
We cheered even louder at football games, spent
more time concerned about our individual desti-
nies, and some of us even studied a little harder.
For the first time we actually knew what was going
on as we watched Richard M. Nixon elected as our
new United States President. Our responsibilities
were light, our obligations few and we chose our
friends for sole purpose of making life more enjoy-
able. Wilson was becoming more and more a part
of us; we learned its traditions and its way of life,
and although some denied it we began to feel that
we were Presidents through and through and we
loved that feeling! Our football team was ranked
No. 1 in the State. And as the year ended we found
ourselves very eager to come back as Juniors in
such a wonderful school.

     When we re-entered the halls in our Junior year
we found them more crowded than ever. At first
we didn't see how we could get along in such over-
crowded conditions, but we soon settled down for
an exciting and never-to-be-forgotten year.
     Yes. We were Juniors. We had "learned the
ropes" and the routine life at WWHS. Football sea-
son caught us off guard as we discovered that for
the first time in many years we would not have a
Homecoming Parade. "How could they do such a
thing?" we cried. We were all ready to contribute
Bonnie Buchanan as Maid of Honor. That year we
were also invited by the PTA to join their organiza-
tion and form a PTSA. The students were sup-
posed to make the big difference in the "gap". So
we voiced loudly our opinions on current fashions
and helped formulate a new dress code. In an ex-
cited, chaotic rush we received our class rings,
subtly showing them off to our jealous Freshmen
and Sophomore friends.
     Later on in the season before a capacity crowd at
Frank D. Lawrence Stadium our hearts sank as we
watched the mighty Presidents fall to Great Bridge
after a 20-game winning streak. Near the end of
the year, we were again saddened to learn that our
principal of three years, Mr. W. W. Piland, would
no longer be with us in our last year.
   Both sadness and happiness was shared the night
of our personal farewell to the Seniors, the Ju-
nior-Senior Prom. The theme was "The Roaring
Twenties" and Gary Brower, Junior Class President
and Cabot Wilson worked diligendy to make it a
most successful evening. We knew that the year
was over for us as Juniors but actually "our time"
had just begun.

     It all started last summer when friends and
neighbors repeatedly asked, "How does it feel to
be a Senior?" The answer was usually a short one
because none of us really- knew!
     September finally came, but our school just
wasn't the same. We noticed that many of our old
friends - the Seniors of 1970 had not returned
to Wilson; we had taken their places. We had good
feelings because we were treated as special people.
Sometimes we regretted our benefits. Remember
the day you came home with a sore neck from sit-
ting in the front row in assembly for an hour?
Homecoming descended upon us and we elected
Stephanie Facenda to represent us as Queen. Her
attendants, Jan Pringle and Gay Mabe, were also
from the Senior Class. Our Senior Spirit seemed to
pay off once again, when, for the second time in
two years, our football team. became Regional
Champions. With the help of the. S.C.A. led by
Steve Foster, Wilson girls began wearing pants to
school. Sharon Wright,. our Senior Class President, 
guided us as we gleefully ordered our Graduation
Announcements and other important material. And
as the year moved to its inevitable end, these
moments are crystallized into colorful memories,
which find a permanent resting place in our hearts.
We hope that we have made an impression in the
paths of Woodrow Wilson High School, and as the
road of life gets longer and harder to bear, we can
only say keep your face toward the sunshine and
the shadows will fall behind you.
                                         --by Katherine Hope Mason

Jump to Class Song
(To the tune of :Solitary Man”)
(Words by Steve Vass)

The memories of good times,
How could times be better
One act plays, holidays
A spirit inside us has tied us together
Through these years, times grow dear.  

So we move along, we’ll be strong
But we’ll always
Hold dear in our hearts, precious parts
of our school days 
Here at Wilson High, Wilson High.

Efforts of past years will bring tears of gladness
Now it seems just a dream
The end of the rise finds our eyes looking forward
We all know we must go. 

So we move along, we’ll be strong
But we’ll always, 
Hold dear in our hearts, precious parts
of our school days
Here at Wilson High, Wilson High, Wilson High
1971 Class History


Any corrections or omissions please submit them by E-Mail
web pages designed and maintained 
by John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The Class Roster and pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Roster may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not officially indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated.  If you are not represented in your class, you will be added to the last page of the year and you may submit a photo to be added.  All information on these pages came from the yearbook represented and alumni who have passed on information and may not be accurate.
   John “Eddie” Lee ’68

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Woodrow Wilson
 High School
Portsmouth, VA