It was just 4-1/2 short years ago when most of us threw away our SP badges and landed at the old Wilson! Remember how we were welcomed by that good-looking, red-headed, president of the Student Council, Larry Goldman? Afterwards, we asked upper classmen silly questions, and were teased and kidded; but we loved it, 'cause we could finally say, "We go to High School." At the football games we tried to yell louder than the rest of the student body put together; and remember how we girls wore those long orange and blue ribbons on our shoulders? It was then that all the boys decided they were going to be football players, and all the girls decided to be cheerleaders. Each game was sponsored by two of the most popular senior girls, who at half-time were presented corsages and gold footballs. Aftet football season and the holidays had come and gone, we got our first taste of exams! Those who passed then became full-fledged Freshmen.
In the 1A we held the Mock Convention to which each History class sent delegates. In the late spring we learned what a real election was; Joe Helms was elected president of the Student body. Although we had grown to like high school life, there were no complaints when vacation time rolled around.
When we returned in the fall the Bi-centennial celebration was second only to the following of our football games. That year Debbie Thomas was elected the first Homecoming Queen.
February came around, and we were Sophomores at last. In the spring the student body saw fit to elect George Gould president.
When September came again we returned as high Sophomores. Annie Edwards reigned over the Homecoming festivities. Our class felt certain that it was the presence of Charles Sears, Randolph Dickson, Collins Faison, Billy Duke, and Billy Bond that was responsible for the JV football team winning the championship.
After we entered the spring term, we were considered upper classmen. The term seemed to he filled with important elections. Kit Morse was elected president of the Student Body; the Junior Class officers were Bob White-President, Bucky Dodson-Vice-President, Gloria Mercer ~Secretary, Barbara Turner and Sonny Mathais-Treasurers, Mike Wright
-3B Representative to the Student Council, and Miss Betty Chapman ~ Adviser.
As 3B's we really thought we were something! This year, Homecoming took on a new meaning. "Auntie" Chapman and Charles Seats supervised a float, a reproduction of the annual
of the Homecoming Class, which placed in the final judging. Barbara Turner was the third Queen. In Roanoke we clinched the State Football Championship by beating the home team in a thrilling game played in a down-pout! It was a sad moment for all of us when we heard that Miss Emily Dashield's bust of Julius Caesar had fallen to its death. It was rumored that he was murdered, and as he was slain, yelled, "Ete Brute," again and again.
We welcomed the beginning of our Senior year, for this was the year we looked forward to for 11 years. The basketball team won the Eastern District Championship and placed third in the State. The Junior Class Minstrel was put on under the direction of Charles Sears, and the profit was large. This money helped to make our Junior-Senior Prom, of which Barbara Bunn was chairman, a grand affair. Baby Day was a day when our true nature came to the surface. That night at the annual Baby Day Dance, Anne Brown and Tim Kinny were chosen the cutest couple, Kit Morse and Betty Jane Smith the cutest boy and girl and Alan Wright the most original baby.
In the Student Council elections that year, Bob White was elected president. Class Officers for that last half year were Charles Sears- President, Carroll Creecy-Vice President, Barbara Bunn~Secretary, Anne Brown and Collins Faisoo~Treasurers, Libby Cottle- Representative to the Student Council, Randolph Dickson~Representative to the newly-formed Honor Council, and Miss Betty Chapman Adviser.
Our last half year was spent in the new 4 million dollar high school. The midnight oil burned, and the sweat poured off our brows as we toiled over our English term papers. Mrs. Wilda Oakley really pulled a boo-boo when she required her classes in history 10 to turn in theses! The Honor Council, president of which was Brent Wickers, was set into motion. That year our float, under the supervision of Randolph Dickson, won 3rd place. Gloria Mercer headed the Homecoming celebration as the 4th queen. Our class, together with the June Class under the capable direction of Murray Dinzes, put on a Christmas Musicale which was a great success.
We ordered our announcements, calling cards, and were measured for caps and gowns. Our class play was the final display of our talents. Graduation was a sad affair, but we will always remember our Alma Mater with the deepest love and respect, and we hope that the friends we left behind will remember us for that quality of which we are so proud, our orginaIity.
The Class Roster and pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page. The Roster may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not officially indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. If you are not represented in your class, you will be added to the last page of the year and you may submit a photo to be added. All information on these pages came from the yearbook represented and alumni who have passed on information and may NOT be accurate John “Eddie” Lee ’68.