President - Bill Tuttle
Vice-President - Beverly Jones
Girls' Treasurer -  Fay Mercer
Boys' Treasurer - Charlie Jackson
Secretary - Cathryn Brown
SCA Representative - Nancy Lister
Advisor - Mrs. Oakley
Gilbert Lee Bailey

Rita Joan Barnes
Carolyn Bunn

Guy Campbell
Frances Bell

Hugh Kirkland Berkley
Fred Roland Berman

Carol Bradley
Cathryn  Brown

Mildred Evenlyn Brown
Sallie Brewer

Patricia Jean Broughton
Meyer Chovitz

Gail Coltrain
James Cates

Norma Jean Chiera
Phyllis Elderkin

Joyce Eubanks
Pete Caravas

Pat L. Carpenito
Doris Ann Cottle

Rosser Dew
Barbara Ann Dupree

Anne Edwards
Carole Ann Felton

Sylvia Futrell
Carolyn Gray

Delores Halpin
Muriel Antoinette Hayes

Bobbie Hayslett
Maxie Hicks

Bobby Higgenbotham
David Vernon Higgenbotham

Charles McComas Jackson
Anthony V. Jones

Beverly Ann Jones
Robert Lawery Jones, Jr.

Mary Speight King
Shirley Mae Kuebler

Nancy Carolyne Lister  
Portsmouth, VA
BACK TO 1953
February Class Officers

Any corrections or omissions please submit them by E-Mail
web pages designed and maintained 
by John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The Class Roster and pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Roster may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not officially indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated.  If you are not represented in your class, you will be added to the last page of the year and you may submit a photo to be added.  All information on these pages came from the yearbook represented and alumni who have passed on information and may NOT be accurate  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.

Class Roster
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Woodrow Wilson
 High School
Portsmouth, VA