President Jean Keesee
Vice-President Gary Sears
Girls' Treasurer -  Ann McNair
Boys' Treasurer Maurice Trotman
Student Council - Jack Benzie
Samuel Clark

R. Garland Clinton
George Baker

Bobby Beal
Raymond Beck

Jack Benzie
Minnie Bond

Robert Briley
Jean A. Hutcheson

Lenore B. Kahan
Betty Jean Lee

Archie Vernon Leigh
Joan Sue Cohen

Howard Cowan
Robert Cumbia

Janet Virginia Edwards
June Deloris Furman

Thelma Ernestine Holland
N. Jean Keesee

Norman Lane
Borden Lilley

Frank Madigan
Bobby Mansfield

Joan McManus
Bobby McNeal

Ann McNair
Emily Iona Peters

Betty Jean Quillin
James Rose

Allen H. Scott
Portland, ME
Gary Sears

Henry Richard Skutt
Robert M. Steen

James Walden Summers
Maurice Trotman

Joe Wetherbee
David Carroll Whitener

Lewis Dillahay

Joseph Natalio Resurrectiom

Joe Zoll
BACK TO 1948
GO TO 1949

Any corrections or omissions please submit them by E-Mail
web pages designed and maintained 
by John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The Class Roster and pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Roster may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not officially indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated.  If you are not represented in your class, you will be added to the last page of the year and you may submit a photo to be added.  All information on these pages came from the yearbook represented and alumni who have passed on information and may NOT be accurate  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.


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Woodrow Wilson
 High School
Portsmouth, VA
Class History
May 7, 2024