That wonderful year-1958! "Do you recall, or remember at all

There we were! High school students at last! Our ftrst taste of Wilson came at the opening assembly for the new freshmen. S.C.A. President Jimmy Sanderlin greeted us with the tradittonal title, "rats"; the guidance offtce offered its services; Dr. R.Wc Allen gave us last-mtnute warnings, and Mr. WT.H. Galliford made a valiant and noble effort to explatn our scheduling procedure.

Ltttle by little, we discovered the "mysteries" of Woodrow Wilson: D-section had no second floor, seniors were people like everyone else, only two to a library table, and we had to be "ivy." We all rushed to join clubs, and participate in everything from debating .to horseshoes. Everyone stood in line for his favorite teachers' classes, and rejoiced in Wilson's first bomb scare.

Then came our sophomore year and the realization that we could look down on a new group of "rats"! In addition to digging worms for biology, and proving the Pythagorean Theorem fifty different ways, we managed to boycott the lunchroom, and turn off the furnace so that everyone could go home early. Marty Brenhaman was S.C .A. President, and Jackie Drake, Homecoming Queen for the first of a long line of rainy homecomings.  We shed a few tears at the Dramatic Club's presentation of Little Women, and chuckled as The Remarkahe Incident at Conqon's Cowers ended with an unexpected "bang" as Marty Brenhaman fell off the stage. Weekends seemed like they'd never come, and exams seemed like they'd never end.

In our junior year we became the sophisticated masters of the school. Upper-classmen at last! Members of our class were gradually taking top honors in athletics, dramatics, and on literary teams. We upset St Johns during a festive Homecoming reigned over by Pat O'Brien, sold bumper stickers, paid our dues at the last minute, and went to see Thander on Sycamore Street The big wheels were Dickie Lasting-S.C.A. President, Ed Barry-class president, and Miss Barbara Shafer-class sponsor. Who can ever forget our great championship basketball team, and the fabulous state championship week in Charlottesville?
School spirit soared in more ways than one. We combined our efforts in a tremendous collection of Christmas food for the Salvation Army. President Kennedy was elected, a new school dance band was organized, and class members became cheerleaders, with Lee Enos and Linda Holland co-head cheerleaders. Afier the "rousing" (that's what the neigh-bors said) campaign parties, we elected Bobby Allen S.C.A. President. And then came the thrdl of the prom! Can we ever forget that night of all nights?

When we became seniors we soon discovered we had little time, if any, to be the big shots we had anticipated. Thoughts turned to carecrs and college, and college boards were something new to worry about. We said good-bye to Mrs. Mary Jo Brady; we returned to school to find a new E-section which included a language lab, and greeted seventeen new members of the faculty. The Honor Conned, too, took on new significance as Jean Foxworth presided over the Court of Honor.

Freddie Sue Turner reigned over our last Homecoming-we were not yet looking ahead 25 years-and the football team had a winning year under Coach Ralph Gahagan. The students greeted one another with "Beat Maury" and wore their best to show their appreciation for the teachers. Everyone argued about whether girls should wear kilts, what to do about Khrushchev and the Berlin crisis, and whether to wear drapes or sweaters for senior portraits. Enos, the space ape, went up, and the curtain came down on The Importance of Being Earnest

Soon dues, calling cards, caps and gowns, marching into the auditorium, principal's lists, Baby Day, Baccalaureate, the Prom, and finally, Graduation had come and gone. Once again we were freshmen-this time, in the game of  life.

So, until that day 25 years from now, when we return with possible expanded wastelines and receded hairlines, we proclaim-"Honor, faith, and deep devotion

Wilson High, to you.

Class of 1962
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web pages designed and maintained 
by John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The Class Roster and pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Roster may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not officially indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated.  If you are not represented in your class, you will be added to the last page of the year and you may submit a photo to be added.  All information on these pages came from the yearbook represented and alumni who have passed on information and may not be accurate.
   John “Eddie” Lee ’68

Class Roster
We have had our gay and sad days 
Here in these dear high school halls, 
But now we must go our own ways 
Bidding "Farewell" to all.

But we won't look back with sorrow 
We shall look ahead with joy 
For there is a bright tomorrow
For each girl and boy.

There is so much that we cherish 
But there's so much more to find, 
And the memories will not perish 
Of the things we leave behind.

Now the hour of parting's with us 
And we whisper sweet good-byes 
To the years of joy and gladness 
In old Wilson High. 

            Tune—May the Good Lord Bless and Keep You
            Words—Paula Lippard

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Woodrow Wilson
 High School
Portsmouth, VA