The Class Roster and pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page. The Roster may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not officially indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated. If you are not represented in your class, you will be added to the last page of the year and you may submit a photo to be added. All information on these pages came from the yearbook represented and alumni who have passed on information and may not be accurate.
If teenagers can be considered "Signs of the Times", then the Closs of 67 shows great promise for the future. From 1963, when we first entered the halls of Wilson, until 1967, our class has been the BEST! We came to Wilson in 1963 seeking knowledge, challenge, and the fun thot accomponies high school years. Elwood Owens was president of the S.C.A., ond Annette Jenkins was crowned as Homecoming Queen. Not until almost the end of our freshman year did we elect class officers. Karen Burns served as class president and we planned a Freshman Sophomore Prom. 1963 marked the tragic death of President Kennedy.
1964, and we became wise fools", better known as sophomores. Shouts of "Championship, Championship, we an out for the Championship", rang though the school. Our J.V. Cheerleaders followed the Group 1-A State Championship Contestants to Richmond where we won to the jubilant echoes of students. Bobby Heeley was S.C.A. President and Avenell Harrington headed the Homecoming Court. "Beatlemania" spread through Wilson and Ginny did a good 10'as president of the class, aided by Mrs. Underwood as our advisor.
1965, and we were on the rise as Juniors. We served as officers of clubs, and elected our own Naomi Natalio as Maid of Honor. Juniors Bonnie Ross and Karen Bangel were Homecoming Attendants. Ginny was once again class president, Tommy Buck held the gavel as S.C.A. President and Ginny Lou Morin was elected as Homecoming Queen. This was the year we nailed and hammered for our "Once Upon a Dream" prom. Marlene Ackerman and Kenny Morgan headed the prom committee and endless hours were spent pinning together parachutes. This also was the year we nominated juniors for Girls' and Boys' State. This year we saw the coming of Batman and the departure of Dr. Robert W. Allen, principal, and Mr. Walter Galliford, assistant principal. A special assembly was held to honor both administrators.
And then came the fall of 1966. We were SENIORS, with strains of "Pomp and Circumstance" already in our ears. The school year brought us new administrators - Mr. W. W. Piland, principal, and Mr. Walter Graham, assistant-principal. School spirit zoomed as a result of frequent pep rallies, Spirit Week, and a special Senior Day. Our class won the School Spirit Award sponsored by the Varsity Cheerleaders. We started Balloon Day, carried posters through the halls, and spirited the team to success. Individual honors came to some of us. Bonnie Buchanan was chosen Miss Junior Miss, Bobby Abrams and Kathy Dawson were named as semi-finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Tests, Kathy White was elected Homecoming Queen, and Wayne Sykes headed our S.C.A. with Mrs. Staples as advisor. Several projects have kept us busy. We had a Senior Work Week and sold sweatshirts and booster buttons to make money. We elected Ginny as class president again, participated in a Kool-Aid Drive for soldiers in Viet Nam, and read Macbeth. For the first time Santa Claus sat on top of the clock. Basketball season rolled around and the cheerleaders got new uniforms.
Well, graduation is now here. In the words of our class song, "Seniors, the time has come for us to part." Hasn't it been great?
Seniors we stand together now as one,
Still not believing that the time has come.
Though years fade away the friendships of the past,
We'll not forget our '67 class.
We'll go our separate ways
But we'll think back to the days
When we worked and planned together, hoped together, shared together,
Seniors, the day has come for us to part.
Memories of these four years will fill our hearts,
Words that we cannot say but feel in the deepest way
All mean Wilson High to you farewell.