Class  History
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Because of the Historic interest of the Dutch people we, the Staff, find it appropriate as a theme for this, the Annual of 1930.

May the happy memories of your High School life be relived through these pages of Dutch-Land.
Paul Hanbury, Senior President
Hear this verse of the Class of Thirty,
  And our years at ,Wilson High.,
Of lesson learned, of joy and trouble, 
  Work and play in days passed by.

   As Rats we found life quite a muddle
      While we ate of  humble pie,
   Studied, puzzled, got in trouble, 
      Watched with envy Seniors high.

       Sophomores think they're quite important, 
        Joining all the clubs and teams.
       Now we think they're very lowly,  
         Far away our "Soph" day seems.

          It's a thrill to be a Junior, 
           Quite important then we are,
          With a hand in organizations
            And our Senior day not far.

            Seniors now, we are the leaders,
              And our busy days just fit.
           With a touch of heartfelt sadness
              In the thought of soon good-bye.

       Here's to the teachers of Wilson High,
                We'll forget them never;
       To them we owe our high school joy-
  Their spirit shall guide us ever.

  The junior-Senior farewell treat, 
Class rings, songs, and plays,
  "Hall of Fame" and "Presidents" 
Fill our too short days.

Springtime. and cap and gown, 
  And. friends' separation,
Farewell and parting 
  With June graduation.

   Farewell, beloved Alma Mater, 
    Dear friends and teachers, all
  Ever happy will be memories 
     Of our days at Wilson High.

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Any corrections or omissions please submit them by E-Mail
web pages designed and maintained 
by John "Eddie" Lee class of '68
The Class Roster and pictures are as represented in the Woodrow Wilson High School, Portsmouth, Virginia yearbook or annual of the year indicated on the page.  The Roster may not be complete and pictures and names may have been removed by request of the person involved. Also, it does not officially indicate the year of graduation and/or that the party in question graduated.  If you are not represented in your class, you will be added to the last page of the year and you may submit a photo to be added.  All information on these pages came from the yearbook represented and alumni who have passed on information and may NOT be accurate  John “Eddie” Lee ’68.


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Woodrow Wilson
 High School
Portsmouth, VA